Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Spring Forward....

This past Sunday, we entered into DAYLIGHT SAVING time (please note the lack of the 's' at the end of saving - it's one of my weird pet peeves!  There is no 'S', people!).  Anyhow, sorry....yes....Daylight Saving time.  Hoorah!  Anyone who likes to do things outside knows how great this moment is.  No more racing home after work to catch the last seconds of daylight.  We've got a little buffer now.  Last I checked, the globe of fire was still casting beams at 7ish!  Yes!

As if we found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, our first day of Daylight Saving was coupled with amazing weather.  Highs in the 60's and blue skies.  Oh me oh my.  I was able to get out and get my hands dirty in the garden for the first time this year.  Butterfly bushes and grasses got haircuts, the overwintered and neglected spinach got a clean-up and a reapplication of row cover, weeds were pulled (weeds!  even in winter!) and volunteer garlic and onions were neatly rearranged.  Also, (and I will pay for this later) I removed the dead tomato skeletons that I was too lazy to take down in the fall.  Serious fail.  I'm sure the tomato area is now a harbor for disease - namely blight.  You see, my vines were all twist tied to the cattle panel - which, by the way, worked GREAT - and it seemed to be an insurmountable task in the fall when I was busy traveling overseas for work and prepping for presentations at national meetings, etc...  Then the holidays hit and then it snowed and we are.

But regardless, a beautiful First Day of Gardening was had, and it was finished with a Mike's Lemonade.  The traditional post-work beverage of choice for the warmer months.  Scandalously sweet but quite refreshing after a long, dirty day.  Yes!

In other news, all of the chickens are dead.  The perpetrator has been located.  Owner has said he would tie up said perp and the news on the street is that he has most certainly NOT made an attempt to do so.   The saga continues.  We miss the chickens very much.  On the last and final murderous day, one of the ladies had left us a final egg...after several months of no eggs...quite frustrating.  To add insult to murder, the egg was crushed in the attack.  One final blow.  We will rebuild, but we need to get this situation under control first.

And so, I leave you for now with some things that are happening in the warmth of a greenhouse....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beer - Part II

Sunday was IPA bottling day at the Gap Mountain Garden.  Our brew was moved from the fermenting bucket to the priming tank for the addition of more sugars.  The yeasties be hungry!  Then to the bottle this liquid goodness went.  Tastes were tested and we deemed this beverage to be 'BEER'.  It still has a way to go but I think there's a good chance this will be drinkable in the end.  WIN!

Gap Mountain IPA  :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's brewin'?

We received a wonderfully generous gift from some great friends over the holidays.  Our very first official beer brewing kit from Williams Brewing in San Leandro, CA.

I have always wanted to brew beer and when I became obsessed with growing hops last year, I knew it was time to make it happen.  Our friends, knowing our tastes in beer, correctly ordered us the American IPA.  After a couple of snafus (3-day winter power outage and confusion about whether the brew pot could be aluminum or if it should be stainless steel) we got her going this past weekend. 

Hopefully we got it all right.  True to my virgo nature, I spent a fair amount of time sanitizing everything with a bleach solution.  Everything.  Stovetop, countertop, microwave (why, I don't know - because it was near the stovetop?), utensils, buckets, brew pots, etc...  As I mentioned, there was some initial confusion about the pot in which to boil the wort.  A lot of people say aluminum is a no-no.  That was frustrating because my large pressure canner pot is aluminum.  The idea of using that was nixed.  We ended up using the water bath canner.  It's made of steel and has a ceramic coating.  I checked on several home brew forums and found this to be a suitable choice for the first-go.  If we're really excited about brewing again, we'll think about investing in a large stainless steel stock pot - $$$!!   After all of my reading, I started seeing some opposing viewpoints.  Figures.  Suddenly, it was okay to use aluminum if you didn't try to clean it with a cleaner like Oxiclean.  Apparently that will release some offensive tastes into your brew.   Everyone has an opinion.  Which is the right one?  Jury is still out.

The water bath canner was barely big enough.  Our biggest fear was a boil over which is common when you first add the malt extract.  All went well though, no scorching on the bottom of the thin pot and no boil over mess to clean up.  

The hops were wonderfully aromatic.  It makes me very eager to use my own home grown hops in the next batch!  Fingers crossed that we'll get a harvest this year.

We have no idea if this will be successful or not.  All I can tell you now is that this stuff has taken on a life of it's own in the fermenting bucket.  Lots of urps and burbs and bubbles going on.  I suppose that's a good sign.  AND - it smells like beer.  Yes!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Chicken Massacre

Sadness has fallen upon the Gap Mountain Garden.  Our chicken Fort Knox turned out to be not so Fort Knoxy.  After a year and a half we had our first break-in and it was tragic.  I arrived home from a walk with the dogs Wednesday afternoon.  Our normal path comes up our back property and past the hen house.  As I approached, I saw that something was amiss.  The hoop run was fully dented in from the top and there was an eerie silence across the yard.  As I approached, I noticed feathers.  And then the head of our timid little Golden-laced Wyandotte (damn she was pretty!).  And then her leg.  When I finally got to the coop I saw that our Light Brahma was still inside of the coop (unable to get to the run because the structure had caved in and blocked access).  She was clearly stressed and I understood why.  She just saw her 3 roomates butchered right in front of her. 

I examined the structural fail more closely.  I felt guilty that my design had not held off the predator.  It had worked so well up until now.  Not one incident.  I noticed some small footprints and nail marks where it had dug into the structure.  I'm suspsecting a hungry raccoon.  The bad thing was that this happened in broad daylight.  The husband had let the chickens out of the coop that morning and served up some cracked corn.  All was in order.  By 5pm though, things were very, very wrong.  This was a bold raccoon - although I can't blame him or her.  There's not usually a lot of human activity in our holler during the day.  He or she was free to do what they wanted without interruption.

I closed up the coop as best I could as daylight was waning.  I locked up the Brahma, and hoped for the best.  Fingers crossed that she would still be there in the morning.  If so, I would spend more time securing the run.  At 10pm we let the dogs out into their yard for one last bathroom break.  Our greyhound, Copper was very interested in the corner of the run right outside of our door.  To my extreme surprise, she had sniffed out our new (for 2012) Speckled Sussex we dubbed 'Special'.  I was surprised to see that she was still alive (against my better judgement, I had become fond of her).  Poor gal was huddled in the corner, roosting on a plastic chair - she was obviously rattled.  I picked her up and checked her out and she had been pretty roughed up in the tail area.  Most of her feathers were gone and there were some scratches.  It seemed like she would be okay though.  We brought her out to the coop to join the Brahma.  I think they were relieved to see each was I.  We only had 4 chickens.  I wasn't too sure what I was going to do with just one. 

I'm still not sure these girls are through the woods.  After closer inspection, I noticed that the brahma was fairly mangled too.  Neither have been interested in their cracked corn over the past two days though they are drinking water.  I'm hoping for the best.  In the meantime, I'll be back at the coop this weekend making sure things are more secure.  Thank goodness for forcasted temperatures in the 70's on Gap Mountain (in January!).

Chicken farmin' ain't easy.....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Corn Cobbin'

I'm a bit late for a post about our corn harvest.  It happened during the first week of August but as I have been so gently reminded AGAIN by our experiences during this speedy summer month, there is little free time to do things like blog.  I think I need to staycation for the first two weeks of August every year.  Will someone please tell me this when I'm submitting vacation plans to my employer next year?  Please?

Anyhow, things went well in the corn patch this year.  It was a little touch-and-go there for a while what with our derecho winds and less than stellar germination.  I must have adequately amended the soil there because our ears were nice, full and plump.  Water during the critical tassel and silk phase helped too.  The rains came at just the right time so we did not have to supplement.

I must admit, after eating corn for 2 weeks straight, I grew a little tired of it's presence in my kitchen.  So as we do in most years, we took the majority of it, blanched it, removed it from the ears and sequestered it in our freezer until winter when we can fully appreciate its sweet goodness.

Even the chickens got in on the action...

....and the canines too!