Friday, June 12, 2009

It ain't easy bein' green....

If you're living somewhere in the Mid-Atlantic region, you may have noticed mass quantities of moisture falling from the sky..... EVERY DAY since forever ago.  I shall not complain as we have been in a rain deficit for quite some time and well, hello - we live in a temperate rainforest.  I would not however be upset by a little sun peep show - just a little one.  Globe of Fire - are you up there?  Thankfully, the garden plant kids are soaking up the good stuff.  The husband and I have been waking up early with the fur-friends, crawling out of bed and trekking out to the garden in our pajamas to collect the harvest before heading to work.  If you've never tried this, I highly recommend.  Morning harvests are peaceful.  The sunbeams are kinder and gentler (when they exist) and they're almost always accompanied by a Appalachian Mountain morning mist.  Couple that with the chatter of the morning songbirds and the whoosh of the crazed hummers fighting for an open spot at the feeders and you've set yourself up for a great day.  When I walk back inside with our big bin of garden loot and smell the coffee brewing, I feel like I might have just won the lottery or at least a giant salad for dinner.....

Monday, May 25, 2009

Seeing Red

Our sophomore strawberry patch provided us with our first good haul this year.  Surprisingly, we've had to share our loot with some harvestmen.  Yes, the daddy longlegs got the memo and have set themselves up at our strawberry bar.  With legs sprawled out as if in a drunken stupor, they've happily sampled nibbles of what seems to be every single berry out there.  They don't appear to be adhering to the 'waste not want not' adage.  Thankfully, there's enough to keep all of us happy - 8 leggeds or 2.  

The result of our first harvest, sipped on the back porch, enjoying the view of a green, rain soaked almost June evening......

Happy Berry Season!