Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Herb Sled

It's herb harvesting time at the Gap Mountain Garden.  With temperatures deep into the 90's it was nice to have this little remind of 'cooler' times.  Although it did not make me feel any less like a dripping, muggy, stinky mess of a human, it was quite useful for toting herbs around the property.  ; )

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More hauls and new hens!

Summer is officially heating up.  Indicies are climbing to uncomfortable levels and the cold tolerant crops are pissed and have had enough.  Lettuce has long since bolted and broccoli heads don't feel like growing uniformly any more.  Luckily, we had a nice haul during prime temperatures.

Salad fixins
In other news, our little garden on the hill has some new residents!  Two hens from a friend/co-worker who was thinning her flock.  I sustained several injuries while constructing this coop, including but not limited to 7 stings on my butt from an unknown offender, however I was left with a good sense of accomplishment.

Our very own Speckled Sussex and Light Brahama girls.
These two ladies are both a year old and laying daily for the most part.  A perfect size flock for our tiny family of two adult humans.  To my extreme delight, I've discovered that they have a solid appreciation for all the excess squash and zucchini that ultimately takes over our lives in July.  It's a win-win-win situation for everone.  I'm looking forward to setting these ladies loose in our vegetable plot after the growing season.  Chicken compost!