Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On the road, etc...

Been off exploring for the last month - I'll spare you the typical blog writer's 'lack of posts' apologies.

I've been here visiting nature's gardens:

In other news, fall is coming to Gap Mountain.  The official equinox arrived last week and the trees definitely got the memo.  Soon our mountain view will be fully dappled with shades of autumn.  The gardens are slowing down.  Not much left except the anticipation of the Great Sweet Potato Dig and lingering Anaheim peppers.  I do appreciate the attempts of the strawberry patch to put the last little bits of sweetness into the season.  Thank you strawberries.  And we musn't forget to thank the new raspberries as well.  I counted 12 of 'em on my granola and yogurt breakfast last week.   It's the little things in life.....

Oh and....brown hen is molting.  She's a sorry looking thing at the moment.  As this is our first foray into chickens, we had no idea!!  A molting chicken is not a pretty sight I tell you.