Friday, April 5, 2013

"April is the Cruelest Month" says T.S. Eliot... and so says me.  This month has always given me the heebie jeebies.  For a few years, it seemed like all bad things tended to happen during this tumultuous time.  Thankfully, life has calmed down recently but I always seem to be bracing myself when April comes around.  Always expecting the worst.

The worst that has happened this year is that winter has pretty much failed to turn to Spring.  Hey - if this is as bad as it gets, I'll take it a million times over.  As I type this though, it is snowing outside.  SNOWING.  Again.  Heavily.  Not what I had planned for April in Virginia.  The cold weather crops will just have to patiently wait in the greenhouse for now.

What can one do in such dire circumstances you ask??

Drink homebrew, of course!

Thankfully it turned out drinkable!  Round two of beer brewing will commence soon.  This time we'll try the Shining Star Pale Ale from Northern Brewer.  After this next batch, I'm on the hunt for a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale clone.