Monday, June 6, 2011

Butterfly Bush - Not just for Lepidoptera....

In amongst a butterfly bush in our front flower bed, what I believe to be a song sparrow, has made a home with her mate and sprouted 5 babies!  We've been keeping tabs on this growing family since we discovered the nest accidentally while harvesting sugar snap peas which are behind the shrub.  We took a closer peek while mama was away gathering food and snapped this shot.

The babies hatched sometime between May 29th and May 30th.  Memorial Day Kids.  All 5 seem happy and healthy.  Mama and papa have been so patient with all the activity around the nest.  We can hear them nearby, calling out the distinct 'chip' note as an alarm.  It shouldn't be long before these little ones fly the coop.  It's been fun watching them grow.

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