Thursday, April 19, 2012


These days in the garden are busy days.  There's always something to do and never enough time to do it!  Situations like these force you to prioritize.  Do I edge and mulch the flower beds or plant peas and potatoes?  Do I take time to kick back with a coldie and enjoy the gardens and all the work I've done?  Certainly you must do the latter at some point.  The rains were coming this week though, so I knew I needed to stop everything and get to taterin'.  We had several Kennebec potatoes left over from last season that I used as seed potatoes for this year's crop.  They were on the smaller side and had already started sprouting after spending the winter in our cool basement.

I dug and I dug and I dug.....

...and I finished just in time for the first rain drops to fall.  And then I cracked open that coldie.  :)

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