Thursday, August 23, 2012

Corn Cobbin'

I'm a bit late for a post about our corn harvest.  It happened during the first week of August but as I have been so gently reminded AGAIN by our experiences during this speedy summer month, there is little free time to do things like blog.  I think I need to staycation for the first two weeks of August every year.  Will someone please tell me this when I'm submitting vacation plans to my employer next year?  Please?

Anyhow, things went well in the corn patch this year.  It was a little touch-and-go there for a while what with our derecho winds and less than stellar germination.  I must have adequately amended the soil there because our ears were nice, full and plump.  Water during the critical tassel and silk phase helped too.  The rains came at just the right time so we did not have to supplement.

I must admit, after eating corn for 2 weeks straight, I grew a little tired of it's presence in my kitchen.  So as we do in most years, we took the majority of it, blanched it, removed it from the ears and sequestered it in our freezer until winter when we can fully appreciate its sweet goodness.

Even the chickens got in on the action...

....and the canines too!

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