Saturday, August 4, 2012


Back in May, we added two chicks to our flock.  They're now just over 12 weeks old.  They had been residing in  our basement but it was WELL past time to move them outside.  We didn't feel comfortable doing this in their previous cage setup.  We have way too many predators around here (raccoons on the deck nightly!) and didn't want to risk losing pullets that we hand-raised.  So, they sat in our basement and it actually ended up being a bad choice.  It's not news that chickens messy little creatures.  This was certainly reinforced.  There is a layer of chicken dust on every single surface.  If we do this again, we will keep them in our garage under lights.   I have lots of cleanup to do in that basement.  So, in between summer trips and obligations, we finally got phase two of the chicken coop complete.  We simply added on to our current linear setup and now have an L-shaped run for the girls.

We did a lot or research about integrating new pullets to established flocks.  I had a hunch this would be difficult since our Speckled Sussex is, for lack of a nicer name, a super sassy bitch.  Well, my hunch was correct.  I had read that placing pullets into the coop at night while everyone is asleep was a fool-proof method of introduction.  All of the chickens supposedly wake up in the morning, see each other, say hello and go about their business.  So, at 11pm on a warm July night, we carried our babies out to the coop and placed them inside.  We closed the door and hoped for the best.  We waited for a few minutes to make sure everything was okay.  All was quiet and calm.  Good, I thought.  This is going to work.  We went to bed and awoke at 6am the next morning to check on the girls.  When I arrived at the coop I witnessed the carnage.  Our new Golden-laced Wyandotte was huddled in the coop in shock and would not move.  I didn't see our new Speckled Sussex at first and got worried. I finally found her in the corner of the run, on her side breathing heavily.  She had blood all over her head and feathers were scattered everywhere.  Then I witnessed Super Sassy Bitch attack her repeatedly.  Integration FAIL!

We immediately removed the adult girls and placed them in their portable run for the day.  I checked on the pullets (fully expecting to lose one) and although they were a little battered, it seemed like they would survive.  Luckily they did.  I fenced off the entrance between the old run and the new one so we could keep them separated while still keeping the new girls outside.  We're hoping that by having them live side-by-side, they'll eventually just get used to each other and after a few more weeks, we can try integrating again.  For now it works since it's summer and the most the young girls need for protection is a little tarp to keep themselves and their food dry.  By fall though, we'll want them snug in the coop at night.

Chicken integration.  Who knew it could be so difficult?

Anyone need a SuperSassy hen?  That girl might as well be a rooster!

Backyard Breakfast

I seriously never tire of this concept.  There's something so damn satisfying about having the contents of your entire meal come from your backyard.  I worry that this seems like gloating or being a little too proud, but honestly, it's just plain ole' excitement coming from my end.  I've been gardening for many years and still feel like a kid in a candy store.  :)  Eggs, potatoes and broccoli.  It's what's for brekkie. 

Monday, July 23, 2012


I hadn't heard of this word until the last week of June 2012.  Check it out.  A Derecho is a straight-line windstorm that often offers up hurricane-force winds.  What we observed after arriving home 48 hours after the storm passed through (we were out of town) seemed to be true to form.  Trees were down everywhere - most snapped like matchsticks.  Our neighbors barn was picked up and moved from its foundation.  Power lines were strewn about and laid across the road like snakes.  We knew the power was out at our home and now we understood it would be awhile before it was back on.  There was much destruction to sift through.

Our home was spared any damage.  My husband likes to make fun of me for wanting to buy a house without large trees in close proximity.  He finally saw firsthand why this is one of my 'things'.  Our gardens were a bit beat up.  Corn was laying flat on the ground.  Hops vines which I had growing in pots were either dead or completely missing.  Yes, completely missing (pot and all) from the property.  Flowers were toppled over.  All in all though, I'll take a beat up garden over a tree on my house.  I propped those corn stalks up.  Cleaned up the debris and we're pretty much in good shape almost a month later.

We did endure 8 days without power during the hottest week of the summer!  The contents of our kitchen fridge/freezer were shot by the time we got home.  We were able to salvage most of what was in our basement freezer like deer meet and broccoli and peas I had just harvested and put up.  That was a relief.  It's just hard to let go of food you work so hard for.  We dumped it all into a cooler and brought it to my freezer at work.  Thankfully there was no loss of power there.  A university has to run and this one did without skipping a beat!  The freezer was so full, I had to duct tape it shut.  Luckily there is also a shower there so we kept mostly clean during that week although it was a little challenging.  It makes you realize just how dependent and vulnerable you are on electricity.  It exposed some of our weaknesses and has encouraged us to make some changes, so this is good.

After a week of powerless living, thankfully, we had a vacation planned and were able to get out of town for some R&R.  We're home now and all seems to be back in order.  Lots to write about and will do that soon!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No title necessary....

This greenery (and reddery!) speaks for itself.  This year's broccoli harvest has been epic and free from pesky caterpillars.  The heads have been divinely uniform (a virgo's dream) and plentiful.  It gives me motivation to forge ahead and try for the fall crop that never seems to happen.  The peas were placed in a more accessible bed (last year they were in the back of our front flower patch) so harvests have been easy and therefore more frequent.  All is well in the 'garden of plenty' and I appear to be staying on top of things for once.  This usually changes, but for now, I'm going to revel in my successes!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Garden mathematics



The Colorado potato beetles are back.  I got a head start with their control this year.  I waited far too long in 2011.  Everything turned out okay but I do believe the plants suffered a bit and the resulting yields weren't anything to write home about.  This week I've made a point to go to the potato patch every other day or so to pick these suckers off the leaves.  Luckily, they're slow and apparently tasty (to chickens).  I collect them in a bowl and drop them into the chicken run and the ladies make quick work of them.  It's fascinating to take a pesty protein and turn it into a more delicious one.  It reminds me how much living on this earth means that you participate in one big cycle of life.  Thank you chickens, thank you bugs.

Monday, June 18, 2012