Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Chicks in the Flock...

A box of peeping chicks appeared at the post office yesterday!  I went in on an order with some friends last year from My Pet Chicken.  Arrival day finally came after what felt like eons of waiting.  We're still keeping our flock small but our current layers, a Speckled Sussex and a Light Brahma, are coming up on two years old.  They're still laying fairly well, but we wanted to get a new batch started so there's no lag time in egg production.

At the time we placed the order, our favorite of the two chickens, the Speckled Sussex, was a nice, laid back friendly girl.  We decided that since we really liked her, we'd get another.  Well, now that we've stopped giving them free range privileges, she's turned into a bit of a grouch.  Actually, her attitude seemed to change a bit before that.  We think there may have been a shift in flock dynamics.  We think she may have taken over the 'lead' roll in the hen house and thus lost her friendly attitude.  Really though, I think she's just P.O.'d that she can't get into my freshly laid mulch to take a good dust bath.  I hate doing it but perhaps we'll let them run free again after the growing season is over.

So, we got ourselves another little Sussex who I like to call 'Special'.  She's a loud, boisterous, rude little thing.  Her favorite activity yesterday was standing on top of whatever bird was conveniently located in her vicinity....and then talking about it....LOUDLY!  We'll see how this girl develops.   I think she's going to be a handful but she sure is cute.

Our other little lady is a Golden Laced Wyandotte.  Also a very cute girl (what baby chick is not cute?) and seems to be a little more refined than Miss Special.  Either way you slice it up, they're a ton of fun to watch.  Chick TV as they say.  I know the luster will wear off after a couple of weeks, but for now, I'm enjoying the ride!

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