Wednesday, May 30, 2012

War on Slugs

We've been invaded by an insidious, slimy little character.  These dudes are wreaking havoc on our plant material - silently at night - while we're nestled in our beds with visions of fresh vegetables and flowers dancing in our heads.  It's starting to piss me off.  This is not a new problem.  It seems to happen every year - mostly to our seedlings which are trying to make a good start in life in flats and cell packs.

But this year, it seems to be happening everywhere.  The broccoli took a good hit early on but luckily it has recovered.  Almost every strawberry in the patch has a nibble taken from it - but just a nibble.  It seems they like to take a taste from one and then move on to the next.  Why not stay awhile and just finish what you started, slugs?  Why?  

Now it's the pole beans...

and the basil...

and the zinnias!

Time for retaliation, but how shall I do so?  I'm not interested in using chemicals.  We have dogs that could be harmed by such things, and we are trying do things organically.  I've heard all the natural methods, but I've also heard that they don't really work.  At this point though, I suppose it's worth a try. Slugs be damned!

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