Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I wasn't sure I would be able to post such a photo this summer.  It's been pretty 'pesty' and dry here in the beautiful mountains of Southwest Virginia...a far cry from the cold deluge that was Summer 2013.  The deer pressure, a new thing for our Gap Mountain Garden, has been a bit relentless and the voles (or moles?) are mowing down sweet potatoes and beans and sucking entire plants down into their holes(!!!).  Oh yeah, and the Japanese beetles are devouring anything they can get their grubby little mandibles on and the spider mites are basking in the dryness and taking over the hops.

BUT, as you can see, there is a silver colorful lining.  The corn has been frozen, the tomatoes are being canned and the jalapeno peppers are pickled.  Stuffed sweet peppers will be for dinner tonight...and tomorrow...and the next day and the next day and... 

All is not lost and I am grateful. 

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