Monday, August 18, 2014

Big Mama

Tomato Compare - Big Mama (L), San Marzano (R)
Behold...the BIG MAMA tomato.  This is a new one for us in the garden this year.  Typically, we've been strict San Marzano growers and have enjoyed them immensely for their ease of skinning/deseeding/canning.  I decided to break out of my comfort zone and try something new this year.  I picked up this hybrid behemoth at Burpee and gave it a whirl.  I am not disappointed.  All plants have been incredibly prolific...even under the less than favorable growing conditions this summer.  The fruits are absolutely GIGANTIC (see photo, which actually does not do it justice).  They are easy to skin and have a ton of meat with very few seeds.  Perfect for canning.  We will not be tomato hungry this winter!!  I can't keep up with the harvests and have had to give these away by the armful!  Will repeat in 2015.

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