Sunday, June 17, 2012

Garden notes...

We took a deep breath after our hops/septic adventure last week and regrouped.  We think we were much too far away from the septic field to have hit it, but we definitely encountered a suspicious, random patch of crushed gravel about a foot below the soil surface.  What was this doing in the middle of an old pasture?  We're not sure, but we suspect we may have been near the 'reserve' area for our septic system.  This is the area that has been set aside for a new system, should the current one fail.  We've certainly done some learning this week.

So - we tilled up a new area for our hops patch and will give it another go.  Luckily, our rhizomes are growing well in pots, so we still have a little time.  We don't expect much from them this year but we wanted to at least get this thing going.  When you're a gardener, you know you need to be patient, plan ahead and have faith in that which is yet to come.  : )

In other news, the broccoli plants are forming flowers as well as that famous cruciferous 'stank'.  I've sprayed at least one round of Bacillus thuringiensis for caterpillar control and was happy to finally find this product offered at the big box stores.  Our local nurseries don't always have it on hand.  The strawberries are trying to spit out another round of fruit and the raspberries are coming on-line.  Here's hoping the birds stay away.  The snow peas are popping.  I blanched a batch of them this week in hopes of FoodSaver(ing) them for the freezer.  No dice.  Pulled that puppy out of the cabinet after its long winter slumber and was met with sealing silence.  It was old and tired so I expected this outcome sometime soon.  We're biting the bullet and pulling in some reinforcements.  Can't make it through a summer without one!

On a final note, my zinnias started flowering.  Good grief.  The colors are absolutely to.die.for.  Seriously.  This is the 'Benary's Giant Mix' from Johnny's Selected Seeds.  The photos on the website do not do the colors justice.  Rich and delicious they are.  Do yourself a favor and grow some!

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