Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1

Don't look now, summer is almost over!  Sorry, I try to be a glass half-full person, but da#n if summer doesn't seem to just fly by every year.  I don't know why I'm continually surprised by this.  If you work at a university like I do, and live by an academic calendar, you realize there's not much of it to begin with.  Of course it goes quickly.  Our summer weekends seem to be filled up by the time the solstice even hits.  Thankfully, in garden time, summer seems to last a little bit longer.

Speaking of, the Gap Mountain Garden is just about IN for the season.  We have a few more things to get in the ground, but the corn has sprouted, the tomatoes are already threatening to take over the world and the zucchini and squash are fixing to get over-productive.  I've been through my first round of weeding and caught the little buggars before they really got going.  I think this is key.  I'm a virgo, I can't stand an untidy garden.  This is a horrible affliction, because a garden without weeds is just a bit of an oxymoron.  Woe is me.  Each year, I'm determined to stay ahead of the game.  Each year, I end up with a weed forest.  Every. Single. Year.  I think by the time August hits and the sun is glaring down upon you, zapping every bit of energy you have, you're just d.o.n.e and all standards you had in the relative coolness of late spring, fly far out the garden gate.

So, someone needs to remind me to get back out there in another week or so and get the next round of sprouters - because they will come - with a vengeance!  No doubt, they will make summer seem endless with their repeated appearances.

But... is that a bad thing?  :)

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